Recruitment day

Published : 10/11/2019

For more than 30 years, Maison Jean-Paul Hévin has strived to introduce chocolate in all its aspects through original and unique creations. From manufacturing to marketing, Maison Jean-Paul Hévin places pride of place on the work of the craftsman. Meilleur Ouvrier de France in pastry, the chocolatier Jean-Paul Hévin is also present in Japan, where his development continues to grow.

In order to transmit the passion for chocolate in Paris, Maison Jean-Paul Hévin is now recruiting salespeople.

Great recruiting day

Thursday October 17 from 2 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Boutique Jean-Paul Hévin Chocolatier
At 108 rue Saint Honoré - 75001 Paris

All people with their CV will be received individually by one of the Maison's employees, without prior selection, leaving everyone the opportunity to present their profile.

Journée du recrutement