Macaroon Day 2022

Published : 03/15/2022

Relais Desserts supports Ukraine emergency

Like every year, through macaron day, Jean-Paul Hévin mobilizes alongside the members of Relais Desserts to support a cause.

This year, Relais Desserts and Jean-Paul Hévin have chosen to support “URGENCE UKRAINE” and are organizing Macaron Day in favor of the French Red Cross.

From March 18 to 20, 100% of profits from macaron sales in our stores and our online store will be donated to the Red Cross to help victims of the war in Ukraine. This operation is valid on all cases and boxes of macarons, in assortment and total cocoa.

Visit the Jean-Paul Hévin stores and our online store to contribute to the operation or directly on to make a donation.

Thank you for your support and solidarity.