Even more delicious Tabletinos

Published : 04/21/2021

In April, Jean-Paul Hévin revisits his classic Tabletinos, adding praline, to make them even more delicious than before. 3 new varieties that will delight your taste buds. Bags of 8 bars for well-deserved little breaks!

Le sachet Tabletinos Soupçon - €9,50

Delicious bars of milk chocolate and spicy hazelnut gianduja.

Le sachet Tabletinos NHK - €9,50

Small bars of dark chocolate and praline with hazelnut cream.

Le sachet Tabletinos Saphir - €9,50 

8 milk chocolate bars with finely crunchy hazelnut cream.

These 3 sachets are available for 1 hour delivery in Paris! And if you don't know them yet, discover our two other bags of Tabletinos: JPH 68% dark chocolate and fleur de sel caramel milk chocolate.