Discover the 2019 Christmas collection!

Published : 11/26/2019

Always accustomed to traveling to cocoa plantations around the world, Jean-Paul Hévin knows how much his art depends on the climate and the seasons. More than ever he is also aware that this earth, generous and nourishing, needs our attention and our protection, so that it continues to lavish its benefits on us. This is why he chose as the theme of his 2019/2020 collection:

"Le Bonheur est dans le Pré"

A modest tribute to the flora and fauna on which our survival depends, a recognition of the quality of these planters, carried out with respect for the environment so that one of the essential missions of chocolate remains: to give pleasure.

Bûche "Abri-Bûche"

Inspired by these little awnings which protect the wood for the winter, this creation smells of the countryside and brings to your Christmas dessert the charm of a blaze by the fire.

Composition : Almond and cocoa biscuit punched with cognac, dark chocolate ganache with fir honey, pistachio gianduja.

6 people - €58

Bûche "Hope"

A farandole of little angels to protect our planet. A message of hope from Jean-Paul Hévin.

Composition : Cocoa biscuit, chestnut biscuit, crispy chestnut almond shortbread, Grand Cru dark chocolate mousse from Ecuador, caramelized crème brulée.

7 people - €44

Bûche "Lichen"

Retranscribe the bark into chocolate material, observe the lichens and moss that cover it. This is what guided Jean-Paul Hévin's inspiration for this stylized log.

Composition : Crispy cinnamon shortbread, almond and cocoa biscuit, coffee with milk cream, Grand Cru dark chocolate mousse from Venezuela. Mushroom meringue decoration.

7 people - €44

Bûche Herbier

The style and charm of a botanical plate from a herbarium to illustrate this travel cake.

A cake that can be shipped (Chronopost recommended).

Composition : Almond and bitter cocoa biscuit, orange and orange blossom marmalade, Grand Cru dark chocolate mousse from Ecuador.

Centre de table "Écorce"

A warm centerpiece in the literal sense since it takes its inspiration from the crate of bark collected during a walk in the forest.

Composition : 100g of orangettes and crate and peel in dark chocolate JPH 68% blend.

A Christmas collection available from December 10 in all Jean-Paul Hévin boutiques. Available now for pre-order on the website but also in stores.