Chocolate cake recipe

Published : 08/22/2019

Today, Master Chocolatier Jean-Paul Hévin reveals the secrets of making the Jardin des Plantes. Get to your stove!

                                            Gâteau Jardin des plantes

Pour 4 People

Equipment :
1 poche à douille lisse
1 smooth piping bag
1 flexible spatula

For the hazelnut biscuits                                      For the hazelnut duja :
2 egg whites                                                           100g of Jean-Paul Hévin spread                                          
50g hazelnut powder                                                20g 68% chocolate     
50g of icing sugar
20g powdered sugar                                                For the cigar paste :
½ tsp. A teaspoon of cocoa powder                          1 egg white
                                                                            1 pinch of cocoa powder    
For the chocolate ganache :                                50g icing sugar + 20g for finishing
80g soft butter                                                       30g flour                                                                            
6cl of whole milk                                                    30g of soft butter
1 tbsp. A tablespoon of liquid cream                                          
90g of 68% chocolate

1 – Prepare the hazelnut biscuits: preheat the oven to 180°c. Beat the egg whites until stiff with the sugar. Sift the flour with the cocoa, hazelnut powder and 30g of icing sugar. Gently incorporate this mixture into the egg whites. Using a piping bag, pipe rolls of dough to form 2 rectangles measuring 8 x 20cm on a sheet of baking paper. Sprinkle them with the remaining icing sugar and bake for 20 minutes. Let cool.

2 – Prepare the ganache: bring the milk and cream to the boil. Pour everything over the chocolate cut into small pieces. Let cool slightly before adding the whipped butter. Mix and let cool.

3 – Prepare the duja: melt the chocolate and let it cool a little before mixing it with the spread. Spread this mixture using a flexible spatula on one of the two hazelnut biscuits and leave it to set in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

4- Turn the biscuit spread onto a sheet of baking paper, so that the duja dough is underneath and against the sheet.

5 – Using a piping bag, distribute the ganache on the other side of this hazelnut biscuit and place the second biscuit, naked, on top. Leave to set in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Spread the rest of the ganache over the entire surface and edges of the cake to completely hide it. Put it back in the fridge.

6 – Make the cigar dough for the decoration: mix the butter with the 50g of sugar. Pour in the egg white little by little. Sift over the flour and cocoa and mix gently.

Preparation in pictures :

Les blancs en neige      Biscuits     Ganache

        Mix the dry ingredients with the                             Form two cookie rectangles.                          Prepare the ganache and leave it
        snow to make the cookie dough.                                                                                                                    cool. 

Duja noisette     Ganache et duja      Gâteau recouvert de ganache

     Spread the hazelnut duja all over the                         Place the ganache using a                                Cover the cake completely 
     surface of one of the cooled cookies.                                    piping bag.                                          with the rest of the ganache.

                                  Cigare en chocolat             Feuille en chocolat

                                               Prepare the cigar paste for                                      Form sheets with the dough
                                                     decorate the cake.                                                          cigars.